Uphill Skiing

Uphill Skiing

To venture into the backcountry, one has to be steady like the mountains themselves. Use this playlist to find a steadiness in your breath and stride, and help your hip flexors/hammies recover so you can get back out there tomorrow.

Uphill Skiing
  • Even Keel Breath

    This breath technique will give you access to calm when your inner or outer worlds feel chaotic. Take just five minutes and you'll feel a big difference.

  • Mountain Ready + Steady

    Prep yourself to climb some mountains this season with a strong standing flow that cultivates a steadiness of the mind. You'll spend the majority of the class standing, so it makes a great practice for the times you don't want to get on the ground or for those with upper body injuries.

  • Happy Hips | Flexors and Hammies

    Hip flexors and hamstrings are both notoriously short and tight. This flow is designed to restore length. You'll be able to access more power from your glutes, alleviate your back pain, and regain structural balance in the pelvis and spine.